Quick Renamer - rename multipl

by Lars-Ole Dorrens



PowerRenamerKeywords: multiple renaming of files according to selectable rules (globbing and regular expressions).IntroductionPowerRenamer allows you to rename all (or some) files in a folder according to certain rules. 4 basic functions are offered:Insert character in front, insert character in back, delete character, search/replace characterThe basic principle of the 4th point is the specification of two patterns: a "search pattern" and a "replacement pattern". This allows (via the optional use of globbing or regular expressions) practically any renaming.PowerRenamer is based on the app MURx, but can additionally combine several actions into "Jobs", which can be executed with one click. This simplifies the execution of recurring tasks.PowerRenamer basiert auf der App MURx, kann aber zusätzlich mehrere Aktionen zu "Stapeln" zusammenfassen, wobei diese mit einem Klick ausgeführt werden. Das vereinfacht die Ausführung von wiederkehrenden Aufgaben.